Plane Commander Collaborative is the same Plane Commander software; but, instead of running the software locally on your iPad or desktop computer, the Plane Commander database is actually located up on the Cloud, on the internet. When Plane Commander is hosted on the Cloud on the server, multiple users can access the same database and share all of the information.
The Plane Commander Team is able to host your Plane Commander software. Please keep in mind that in order to access your hosted database on the Cloud, you will have to have an internet connection, because the software is no longer running locally on your device.
There is a hosting fee of $50 a month for having Plane Commander hosted on the Cloud. This gives you access for up to five simultaneous Plane Commander users to have access to the database in real time.
Plane Commander Collaborative would be most useful for manufacturing teams, designers, demonstration pilots who want to collaborate on aircraft projects, and those whose dedication to the hobby is at a higher level than the typical RC pilot. The Richard Carlton Consulting team has been using Plane Commander Collaborative for five years on a mix of desktop and mobile devices and has found the software to be a tremendous asset in building and executing aviation projects.
Please keep in mind that users who wish to use Plane Commander on a desktop computer need to purchase FileMaker Pro from FileMaker Inc. Using Plane Commander on your desktop computer gives you the ability to customize the screens of Plane Commander. Anyone with minimal FileMaker skills can add or edit layout designs that are contained in Plane Commander by using FileMaker Pro.